You know it's time to post pictures when your parents mention it every time you talk to them. So, Mom and Dad, this is for you. And for anyone else who wants to see pics of my cute kids and all the fun (and not so fun) things we've been up to.
The not so fun things? The kids've been sick lately (boo). Ear infections, chest congestion, nasty cough - basically the nastiness that's going around here. Literally every child I've seen in public lately has this cough...thanks people. Really, thanks.
Of course, that's kind of hypocritical of me to say since I took
my sick kids to Walmart...but it was just to pick up their prescriptions and I kept them confined to our stroller the whole time. It's not like they were coughing on a shopping cart or anything.
But I did still take them to the Halloween party at church. I know, bad mom, bad mom. But they'd been on antibiotics for 48 hours at that point anyway. At least I kept them home on Sunday, right?
It stinks that they got sick right before Halloween. I really wanted to take them trick or treating this year. We'd have gone to friends' homes in our complex and such. Ah well. Maybe next year.
They were still super cute in their costumes.
And we only got 3 trick or treaters, so guess who got all the candy? Haha, me. I ate most of it...but John and Emma got a bunch, too.
Oh, funny thing. We took the kids to the dr last week. Emma weighs 26 lbs 7 oz and Hyrum weighs 18 lbs 8 oz. So, 2 years apart and only a weight difference of 8 lbs. I'm just waiting for him to outweigh her. He's slowed down a lot since he discovered mobility, so who knows when that'll happen. But getting Emma to eat anything even remotely healthy is like pulling teeth these days. She'd much rather play.
Emma's birthday is
this month. She'll be 3 on the 27th. 3! Wow. To think I've been a mother for nearly 3 years. It's gone by so fast.
I have all her birthday (and Christmas) shopping done. I think so, anyway. I also have most of Hyrum's birthday and Christmas, and John's birthday done. Anniversary and Christmas for John I'm still working on, but I have some ideas.
I'm having a harder time with gifts for Hyrum. We already have a ton of age-appropriate gender neutral toys from when Emma was that age. My mom and I both got him some cars, but what other boy toys are fitting for a 1 year old? It's sooo easy to come up with things for Emma. Partly because of her age and partly because I'm a girl. I want to get them an even amount of stuff. I know Hyrum doesn't care yet, but
I do. I did already get his big/main gifts for both birthday and Christmas. I just know he'll love them. LOL, and I think Emma will love his gifts, too ;)
I've updated my Amazon wishlist to reflect gift ideas for all of us, if you feel so inclined ;)
Anyway, shopping tangent. Sorry.
I think it's finally safe to say Emma is 99% potty trained during the day. I'd say about 50-75% at night. She's been at this point for a couple of months, but getting sick off and on caused some regression during illnesses. This time, though, she's done great with using the potty while sick. For the most part. She still tends to hold it in forever, but she definitely lets us know when she really needs to go. She's better about going in public than at home. Go figure. I think it's because she'd much rather play than sit on the potty.
Sometimes I have to
make her sit on it. Like if it's been 7 hours since she last went. She fights me, but then once she's on, she goes. And then insists that she needs to go some more and stays there for 20 minutes or more. Funny kid.
Emma is our little budding artist. My goodness can that child draw well. At least, for an almost 3 year old. Yesterday, she drew Mr. Potato Head. I took a pic and posted it on Facebook. I made a new album there for her artwork.
She now knows all the letter sounds. She can recognize a lot of letters by sight. She might know all of them and I just don't know it. I'll have to quiz her. Knowing Emma, she probably does. She's a smarty.
Oh, and...she no longer naps. Bummer. I've pretty much given up on it. I'd like to give her "quiet time" in her room, but the time I'd like to do it is when Hyrum naps. Doesn't quite work when they share a room. Honestly, fighting her on it just isn't worth the stress and frustration for me. So, she just plays in the living room during what used to be her naptime. Every now and then she'll pass out on her own, but then bedtime gets all messed up. Especially when it happens at 6 PM...
I finally finally
finally was able to pull out almost all of the 18 month girls' clothes. Yay for going up a size! I've heard some people say their kids jumped straight from 12 month clothes to 24 months/2T. Emma? She was in 18 month clothes for a year. Now that she's almost 3, she's finally moving into 24 months/2T.
I haven't posted any Emma-isms in awhile. Oh do I have a ton. Here we go:
- "My hand's in time out."
- "Hyrum thinks Emma's funny."
- "There's a fire in my hand." - one hand was the wood, the other was the fire
- "He's in time out. He was pushing me." - it was Elmo...haha
- "I eat underwear."
- "We don't eat ants. We eat food."
- "No no no Hyrum, don't go after the castle."
- Emma: I made a
big present. Me: who's it for? Emma: Mommy
- "I wanna
- "No I don't want to calm down!"
- Me: you're doing great. Emma: I
am great.
- "Let's read a book to Hyrum."
- Me: Emma, are you awake? Emma: No!
- Emma: I wanna go bike, too. John: Maybe when you're older. Emma: I older now!
- Emma: I need them. Me: They're all gone. Emma: Let's get some more.
- "I made a letter. I made an 'I'" - yep, she made the letter I. With blocks.
- "Maybe when he's older and he can stand too, and he can walk."
- "I wanna see Noah in his house."
- "I have no hands."
- "Let's look for my birthday."
- "Mr. Waternoose needs a time out."
- "I make a cake with Play Doh in nursery."
- "I make a snowman. I make him tall tall tall."
- "You want to color her shirt pink or red? You want red? Ok." - talking to a doll while coloring
- "I wanna watch Abitar. The froggy one." - referring to Avatar (Last Airbender) series. She wanted to watch the episode with the frozen frogs.
- "Fire needs a time out. With the door closed." - meaning the Fire Nation of course
- "I'm not a butterfly. I'm just Emma."
- "No I don't want to go to bed!" - LOL, she said this
in her sleep!!
- "We can't go to Noah's house cuz we're still sick."
- "Mommy, don't be quiet." - I was whispering
- "I need to wear a necklace." - um, she put her underwear around her neck...
- "Mommy's birthday's all gone. We eat it all." - apparently birthdays = cake
- "No I don't want to eat poop, ok? I just want to eat cereal." - when I ask her what she wants to eat, I usually have to go through several suggestions several times. I usually throw something gross like poop into the suggestion mix, just to tease...and no, I don't actually offer her poop to eat...that's disgusting.
- "I want to eat my kids." - LOL, she was mad that we had to go get dinner when she wanted to play with other kids and this kind of slid out.
- "There was a spider and Daddy killed it."
- (to Hyrum) "Did you say mama? Good job! Did you say mama again? Good job!"
- "They're going to the temple, to get married!" - about her friend's parents (who are already married)
- "I need that. Brownie."
- "2 Lily's. I have a toy Lily and a friend Lily." - right before a play date with friends. One of the LeapFrog frog toys is named Lily, too.
- "Lily had to go home with her mommy and her baby." - after the play date :)
- Emma: I made 2 presents. One for Daddy and one for Emma. Me: Can you make one for Mommy and Hyrum? Emma: No, not for Hyrum. He's too little.
- "Mommy, we need to clean."
- "I don't like the letters. I just like the food."
- "I'm not getting tired, I'm just sleeping."
- "We have no money." - she wanted a green Tinkerbell dress for Halloween and we told her we didn't have enough money to buy it. She had a pink fairy costume from last year that still fit anyway, so we told her Tinkerbell got to wear a pink dress :D
- "It's a big pumpkin, and a little pumpkin. It's a family."
- "I miss Hyrum." - aaaaw. He was sleeping.
- "I need go potty in your lap." - um, no. Don't worry, she didn't.
- "I need some cuddles from my daddy." - she woke up crying for John but he'd already left for the day. Poor little girl; she was so upset.
- "I'm pretending to poop." - with bean bags...
- John: I'm going to feed Hyrum. Emma: Daddy doesn't have food there. - 2 or 3 times, then she pointed at his chest and added, "Mommy does."
- Me: Emma, should we make cupcakes tomorrow? Emma: No...I want them now.
- "I have hands. I have fingers. I have a little one, a big one, another big one, another big one, and another little one." - pointing out all of her fingers.
- "Daddy's taking a shower. He needs his privacy."
- "Emma's gonna to get married, too." - eep! Scary! Give me another 20 years for that one, ok?
Oh, she also likes to hide things behind her back and say, "it misappeared." Heehee, I love how she says disappeared. So cute.
Phew, that's a lot of Emma-isms. It's been too long!
Hyrum's turn!
Hyrum now crawls for real! He's pretty much dropped the army crawling. It's so cute. He crawls all over the place. He follows me everywhere and gets into everything. He pulls books and movies off the shelf, gets into the bathroom garbage while I'm washing my hands (totally deja vu here - Emma did the exact same thing), shoves any little thing he finds on the floor in his mouth, etc.
He stands up against everything. He can climb a bit, too. He can cruise a little, but he hasn't really been all that interested in it. He prefers to crawl everywhere. Probably because most of the interesting things are on the floor or way out of his reach.
Hyrum is such a little begger. If you don't want to share food with him, you'd better hide it so he can't see. He is
obsessed with table foods. We let him try most things in teeny tiny pieces. He'll pretty much eat anything. He is no respecter of foods! Even foods he used to not like. He'll scarf it down.
He grew out of his wheat intolerance! YAY! Oh my gosh this makes me so happy. The prospect of going wheat/gluten free...yeah, no thanks. One of his favorite foods are Gerber Puffs. He loves those things. But I have to break them in half for him. I know they dissolve and all, but he just shovels them in. He's choked on them a few times, so breaking them in half is necessary.
Hyrum is getting so good at saying mama. I love it. I really do think he says Emma now, too. He seems to associate them with the right people. He still refuses to say dada though. Poor John. He now says babababa and rararara. But no dada!
I think I've got it all?
I have a couple of new pages to post as well, using geniaBeana's Queen for a Day. The kit is actually a revamp of one of her earlier kits. The new version is SOO awesome. Here are my pages:

And my latest group of P365 photos:
September 20

Some cute bows I made for a baby shower gift.
September 21

Going on a walk!
September 22

Root beer float day :) A family tradition.
September 23

Homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner.
September 24

Oops, chocolate milk everywhere!
September 25

Emma accidentally knocked a metal kid-size shopping cart on my toe the previous night. Ouch! I think the whole store heard my "OOOOW!" LOL, good thing I don't swear! I wondered if it was broken; thankfully it wasn't. But it sure had a nasty bruise!
September 26

Oo, ladies man. He's got yet another dolly girlfriend.
September 27

Emma made our family with blocks ♥ Notice how Mommy and Daddy have "feet?"
September 28

Playing with blocks together...ish. More like Hyrum watching Emma play.
September 29

Bath time! Apparently shower curtains are a delicacy.
September 30

Our awesome friend Vicki took family pics for us. This was my favorite :)
October 1

We went to the farmer's market one last time. They had an outdoor concert featuring various local bands.
October 2

Emma sleeping on the floor...
October 3

Victoria and Adam :) We had them over for Sunday dinner along with Nathan and Jessica.
October 4

My baby turned 9 months old! We went to look at the fish after his well baby check up. Hm, is he going to eat Nemo?
October 5

A bunch of flies got in since we had the door open for awhile. It took awhile, but we finally got them all with the fly swatter. Emma wanted to help. She got scared when the flies got near her food and such.
October 6

Mmm, donut in one hand, cookie in the other. Yep, he's definitely our son! (it's play food, if you're wondering)
October 7

THIS is what woke us up this day. At 7 AM. We had to wake up the kids and evacuate. Not cool. Someone burned their breakfast. Seriously, who cooks a burn-able breakfast at that hour?!
October 8

Hyrum's new car seat came!! He outgrew the infant seat so it was definitely time for an upgrade.
October 9

We let the kids play with the car seat box for a few days. They loved it!
October 10

More car seat box escapades.
October 11

Lovin' the fall leaves over the canal.
October 12

Fall photoshoot! We collected the leaves the night before and brought them to the park with us :)
October 13

This is how I spent most of the day.
October 14

Impromptu walk to the park...all in our PJs!
October 15

We went to an awesome straw maze. It was so fun! The kids both loved the straw and we loved navigating our way through the maze. We had dinner at Big Judd's after (featured on Man vs Food for their 1 lb burger). We got normal sized burgers, fries, and a grilled cheese sandwich for Emma.
October 16

Sleeping on the floor's a pretty normal thing around here.
October 17

All dressed and ready for church! Sooooo cute!
October 18

We had lots of fun with friends! Playdate and babysitting :)
October 19

We walked over to the nature park. It was soooo beautiful and peaceful. Both kids even fell asleep! All the fall leaves, the water - it was gorgeous.
October 20

Playing at the park! Enjoying the nice weather while we could.
October 21

Uh oh, Hyrum's standing in the fridge! And going after the minced garlic!
October 22

We went to the pumpkin patch! So fun! The kids with our big family pumpkin and their individual little pumpkins. Emma picked both the little ones. I think it's hilarious that she picked a bigger one for Hyrum.
October 23

Walking to the grocery store...with kids in PJs :) It was cold. Bye bye nice weather :(
October 24

Emma artwork :)
October 25

We carved our pumpkin for FHE. Emma wanted a kitty pumpkin. Here it is all lit up.
October 26

John and the kids playing "dress up" with Emma's hats. Their Halloween costumes are in the background.
October 27

Ah yes, look what we got. Amoxicilin for both kids. They had ear infections and chest congestion. Yuck.
October 28

Emma wanted Hyrum to wear her pink bunny ears...I know it looks like he's crying, but he's actually laughing/squeeling happily. You can see his cute little teeth here.
October 29

Hyrum in his Halloween costume. Cutest little knight ever!
October 30

Emma in her "pink Tinkbell" costume. She wanted to be Tinkerbell, but she could still fit into her pink fairy costume from last year and we didn't want to spend the money on the official Tinkerbell costume. Not when we already had something that fit! So, we told her Tinkerbell could wear a pink dress this year :)
October 31

Mini Halloween cupcakes! Yum! I made waaay too many so we brought some to friends. I'd already given a dozen away before I took this pic. 60 mini cupcakes in all!
November 1

Playing with their pumpkins. Emma kept asking me to draw kitties and doggies on hers. She also refused to take off her jacket after we mailed our ballots.
November 2

Hyrum found the root beer! He kept pulling out cans and trying to drink them. Funny boy. Please ignore his mismatched clothing.
Phew! All caught up on pics now :) And that's all for tonight!