I know, it's been way too long again. I didn't even post anything in August. Lame, I know. Life's been busy. We focused on enjoying the last bit of summer before school started. Or at least, that was the plan. And we mostly did. We didn't get to do quite everything we wanted this summer, but we did get to do a lot of fun things. As a result, blogging has suffered.
That, and we all had colds for a couple weeks and I've been having carpal tunnel issues off and on. And of course, we got the colds just in time for my birthday. I've done lots of crafty stuff since I last posted. Don't worry, I've got pics :)
Oh, and some sad news. My grandpa passed away on August 21st. He was almost 92 - his birthday was September 6th. We're sad, but he was very old and in a lot of pain from his body shutting down. It's been rough on my mom. She lost both her brother and her father this year :( I can't imagine going through that.
Next, kid updates! Emma is such a little girl. She hasn't really been a "baby" in a long time. She's just growing up so much so fast! I can't believe she'll be 3 in November. She's incredibly smart and aware of everything. She has an amazingly good memory. Emma remembers all sorts of random things. Like the mouse that pooped in the car seats back in April. She still talks about it. She has several books, songs, and movies memorized. She recites Green Eggs and Ham, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, and several other kid books. She knows a TON of songs. The nursery leaders at church say she's the best singer in nursery :D It helps that we sing Primary songs at bedtime and before naps. She sings so many songs and picks up on them super fast. I think she takes after me in that because I'm the same way. She sings the alphabet all the time and she can count to 20 at least.
Emma loves to color and play with blocks. She's getting really good at building houses and drawing things. She also loves to play with baby dolls and pretend food. She frequently feeds the toy food to her dolls. Emma pretends she's a kitty all the time. She'll crawl around the house meowing and eat out of a bowl the way a cat would. So cute! I love watching her imagination grow and see the fun things she comes up with.
As for potty training, it's going really well!! I think it's safe to say Emma is almost completely pee trained...during the day. We're still working on poop, but she is now pooping in the potty about 50% of the time. We want to have her completely potty trained by her 3rd birthday (end of November) and I think we just might make it! I hope so! She lets us know when she needs to go and will even use the public restroom (thank goodness for foldable potty seats - we, of course, have the Tinkerbell one). We recently took her to the dollar store to pick out a couple toys for peeing on the potty 100 times. Oh, and we started giving her M&Ms for pooping. She seemed to need the added incentive for that one. But all in all, potty training is going great!
And now for some Emma-isms!
- John: Emma, do you want to do the dishes? Emma: NO WAY!
- "Mommy's being a brat."
- "Mommy's crazy."
- singing the birthday song for Noah
- Me: what color should Daddy wear to church? Emma: green! Me: a green tie? Emma: no, a green dress!
- "I need Bishop's office." hahaha, that's because he has M&Ms and Skittles in there.
- "Mommy, make a bench." (with blocks)
- "My bum hurts. Kiss my bum."
- "I don't pee Elisa's head." LOL, we were babysitting her friend Elisa and she kept getting off the potty and trying to climb over her friend...
- "He gets a sticker!" LOL, so you know how most bath toys squirt water out the bottom? Yeah...she squeezed water out of a frog and said he peed.
- "I'm flying like Tinkbell!" (that's how she says Tinkerbell)
- "I poop on Daddy." - in a gravelly voice. No, she did not, in fact, poop on him.
- "I'm like a carrot."
- "Let's go look at some toys (or flowers or fish)" - she always does this at the store.
- "I go back. Like Mater." Haha, she said this while walking backwards.
- "It's probably Tori." - said when John's phone rang. I think it was Amanda that time.
- "Cookies. Cookie Monster. I eat Cookie Monster."
- "I love you very much, Mommy." ♥
- "I'm eating the baby."
- "I eat Mickey Mouse."
- "Let me fix it, cuz it's broken right now."
- "Poop on bananas." LOL, she says the brown spots on bananas are poop.
- "I need my poop back." Ok, this was hilarious. She took a toy (I can't remember which one now - it was over a month ago), put it behind her back, and made a pretend pooping sound. When John picked up the toy, she said this little gem.
- "It's probably dry." - referring to her diaper/underwear when I asked. I can't tell you how often I hear this now...
- "Coming to theaters." She recognized the words on the screen. Probably because she's seen those words too many times with the Disney voice and music.
- "Hyrum poop on bananas." Again, brown spots = poop.
- "Mommy? I told you. Understand?"
- "It's not birthday no more." Haha, so on my birthday, I said I didn't want to watch the movie Emma wanted to watch, and since it was my birthday that was how it was going to be. This was her response.
- "It's not working. It needs new batteries."
- "Hyrum's sleeping so I can't kiss him now." ♥
- "Itsy bitsy spider wear a diaper."
- "I made a cool house, Daddy."
- "I'm looking at some jeans for Daddy." - at the store
- "Thank you for cleaning my bum."
- "I don't want to fall in the potty. That'd be very very very very gross."
- "That's my favorite brother." ♥
- "I peed my tummy." - it leaked out onto her tummy
- "I'm just a carrot."
- "Mommy's name is Sara Carrot. Daddy's name is John Carrot." LOL, so random! Apparently we've changed our last name to carrot?
- "Mommy, come on. I show you how to cook."
- "Emma's a carrot and Daddy's a tomato." Again with the carrots. Too much VeggieTales perhaps?
- "Thank you Mommy for doing my pigtails."
- "Hyrum wants to play with me."
- "It's good to drink milk cuz it's healthy."
- Emma: Grandma (my maiden name)'s sad. Me: why is she sad? Emma: she's sad cuz her dad. - What a sweetheart. She said this a couple weeks after my grandpa passed away.
- "That's a BIG one!! It's Snoodle's Tale." LOL, she pooped in the potty and, as she said, it was a big one. Snoodle's Tale is a VeggieTales story, and the Snoodles are kind of oval shaped...
- "I'm gonna be quiet!!" - the irony is, she yelled this.
- "Take my bow out so I can wear my hat."
- "No, it's negotiable!!" Hahaha, nice try. We sometimes tell her things are non-negotiable, like bedtime, naps, etc. I told her after lunch she was going to take a nap. She said no (of course). I said it's not negotiable. And she kept saying this.
- "Move my potty closer so I can see 'puter." Yep, definitely my kid.
- "I peed in the big potty and in the other potty." This was after the first time she successfully used a public bathroom. And she did it twice in one day! Awesome.
- "I'm wearing Daddy's shoes. It's very hard to walk."
- "I don't have to go bed anymore." Nice try, kiddo.
- "There's an ant on my bum." LOL. There wasn't.
- "I put monkey in his crib cuz he's tired." I was putting Hyrum in his crib at the time. The monkey's crib was a basket.
- "I made a temple!" - followed by I Love to See the Temple. She built a temple out of blocks ♥
- "Tinkbell! It's Tinkbell! That's a good movie."
- "It's a ball in there. I poop a ball." - yes, yes she did
- "You awake? Let's play with toys together." - to Hyrum when he woke up from his nap ♥
- "I don't want to take a nap anymore."
- While trying some dinner she said she didn't like - "Sam, if you will let me be, I will try it. And you will see."
- teaching her bear how to pray ♥ She taught him how to fold his arms and what to say. Sooo cute!
Emma's been making a ton of "if then" type statements lately. She also talks about time a lot. She'll say we did something yesterday or last night, though to her yesterday is just sometime in the past. She also says a lot of maybe and probably type phrases. She also says "it's very hard to do" about things that are difficult and "I don't ____ anymore" when we tell her she has to do something she doesn't want to do right then. Things like go potty, go to bed, take naps, etc.
Phew! Long Emma update! I always feel like I update way more stuff about Emma than I do about Hyrum. But, she says and does all sorts of things that I really want to record. I want to record stuff about Hyrum, too, but at this age he just doesn't do as much. But now, it's his turn.
Hyrum is getting so big! LOL, he now wears the same size diapers Emma does (when she wears them - she usually wears underwear most of the time now). He now weighs about 18 lbs! Chubby little boy! He's such a cutie. He's getting more and more hair. I'll probably have to cut it soon (or at least trim the back and around the ears), but I'm not ready to. I'm afraid of cutting a baby's hair! He's so wiggly. Cutting his nails is challenging enough.
Hyrum now army crawls all over the place. He will follow me if he can. I've seen him go from the middle of the living room to come see me in the bathroom. He's been clingy a lot lately. He just likes to be held! He has some separation anxiety as well. When he's tired, he only wants me. But then, I'm the one who can nurse him to sleep.
Hyrum got his first tooth last week!! He's been working on that first set for about 6 weeks or so. They kept going back and forth. Some days, I swore I could see a tooth or 2 just below the gum line, about to pop through. Then the next day...nothing. No sign of anything. So frustrating! But now that first tooth is in! He's still working on the 2nd one. I hope it pops through soon!
The down side of him having teeth, however, is that he bites. During feedings. And it hurts. A lot. I'm trying to teach him NOT to by unlatching him and saying "no biting" in a stern voice. So far, it's not really working. He tends to bite when he's done with each side, so the whole taking him off thing has yet to really deter him.
It's funny how each child is different. Emma was full-on crawling and cruising at this age and didn't get her first teeth till she was 11.5 months. She wasn't a biter, either. Hyrum is so close to regular crawling, but he's not quite there yet. But he can get around by rolling, scooting, and army crawling. He was mobile a couple months earlier, but not the same way. He hasn't shown much interest in cruising yet, whereas Emma started cruising right before she could crawl. He does pull up to his knees now, though. And he recently started rocking on his hands and knees.
Hyrum gets SO excited about meal and bath times. It's adorable. He's liked pretty much every kind of baby food so far. At first, he didn't care for peas, but now he'll eat them. The only food we've really had a problem with so far is whole wheat cereal. Poor little guy had a nasty reaction to it. He broke out into hives, threw up, and had a horrible rash for the rest of the day. It was awful. And of course, this was the day John was taking the GMAT an hour and a half away, so I had no transportation options besides my own 2 feet and a double stroller. Thankfully, we didn't have to go in anywhere since his breathing was fine. I've done the food allergy thing with Emma (peanut butter) so it's not like it was a new experience for me.
Hyrum adores his big sister. I just love watching them together! I seriously couldn't have asked for a better pair of siblings. Emma is so sweet with her brother and he thinks she is the coolest and funniest person ever. They play with toys and play patty cake together. It's wonderful.
Speaking of patty cake, he loves it! He gets the biggest grin when we start patty cake. It's adorable. I love watching how excited he gets about everything! Whenever I make a big house/castle out of blocks for Emma (she asks me to), he gets so excited and army crawls his way over to it. Then he grabs at it...and pretty much destroys it. LOL, we now have a bunch of Hyrum-zilla videos. Here's the best one:
Liam's Special Day
11 years ago